Space Launch Delta 45 Fly Like a Girl

Event Name: Name of the event that will be listed at the top of each calendar entry
Space Launch Delta 45 Fly Like a Girl
Event Description: Detailed description of the event
Only 7.7 percent of military pilots are women. Inspiring young women to soar. The goal is for girls to leave the event curious and inspired to learn more about pursuing aviation and other military careers.
Troop Event: Which troop is this event for?
Girl Troop 373
Event Location: Description of the location the event will be held
920th Hangar 750, Patrick Space Force Base
Event Address: Address of the event
Patrick Space Force Base
Meeting Place: Place where scouts will meet at the start of the event
920th Hangar 750, Patrick Space Force Base
Departure/Event Date: Date of the event (if one day) or departure date (if multiple day event) - (YYYY-MM-DD)
Friday, July 12, 2024
Departure/Event Time: Time of the event (if one day) or time of departure (if a multiple day event)
Return Date: Return date if a multiple day event - (YYYY-MM-DD)
Friday, July 12, 2024
Return Time: Return time if a multiple day event
Permission/Fee Deadline: Deadline set for event registration - (YYYY-MM-DD)
Monday, June 24, 2024
Itinerary: Estimated itinerary for the event
Permission Required: Is a permission form required for this event
Total Cost: Total cost of the event
Cost Breakdown: An itemized breakdown of the estimated cost for the event
Down Payment Required: Down payment required for the event
Down Payment Deadline: Date that the down payment is due - (YYYY-MM-DD)
Event Type: Type of scouting event
Day Trip
Event Leader: The troop leader in charge of the event
What to Bring: Description or list of items a scout must bring for this event
Mode of Transportation: Mode of transportation to/from the event
Meet at Event
Emergency Contact: Adult that will serve as the emergency contact for the trip
Kenneth Vilardebo
Other Form(s): Link to any additional documentation that is required for this event
Additional Links: Any additional links that may be useful for parents or scouts
Fly Like a Girl Flyer
Event Notes: Notes or comments about the event that may be useful for parents or scouts
First 75 girls are registered. Once sign-ups fill up, students will be placed on a waitlist. Register using the QR codes on the attached flyer.