Official BSA Uniform (Class A)

The official scout shop in Apopka has a good selection of official BSA uniforms and insignia. You can also find uniforms at Ace Hardware of Palm Bay. Some of the required items are provided by the troop. The following list represents the suggested basic uniform requirements for the troop.

- Official BSA uniform, short sleeve, polyester microfiber (better in the Florida heat)

- Neckerchief and slide (provided by the troop)

- Shoulder loops

- Unit numerals 373/4373

- Council patch (may come with the uniform)

- World crest emblem and ring (may come with the uniform)

- Patrol patch (provided by the troop)

- Merit badge sash (once the scout starts earning merit badges)

All other uniform pieces such as shorts, pants, belt, socks, etc. are optional. All scouts must wear closed toed shoes to all scouting events. Official BSA handbooks will be provided by the troop.

Troop 373 T-Shirts (Class B)

There are some activities where the official shirt may get dirty or damaged. During those activities, we will typically ask the scouts to wear their Class B uniforms otherwise known as the troop t-shirts.

Troop t-shirts are typically available at each scout meeting. Shirt sales are most frequent at the start of the scout year in August, in February when the Webelos cross over, and just before summer camp season. The boy and girl troops each have different t-shirts so be sure and purchase the correct style for your scout.

Patrol Name List

If you are part of a new patrol and have been asked to select a patrol name, please visit this site and list your top five choices for a patrol name. Bring your list to the next troop meeting so you and your patrol can vote on a patrol name. There are over 850 to choose from in nine different categories.