Scout Recruiting - West Shore Junior

Event Name: Name of the event that will be listed at the top of each calendar entry
Scout Recruiting - West Shore Junior
Event Description: Detailed description of the event
Represent the girl troop at West Shore Junior/Senior School's recruiting event. Scouts will present our troop to potential members and encourage fellow students to join scouting.
Troop Event: Which troop is this event for?
Girl Troop 4373
Event Location: Description of the location the event will be held
West Shore Junior/Senior School
Event Address: Address of the event
250 Wildcat Alley, Melbourne, FL 32935
Meeting Place: Place where scouts will meet at the start of the event
West Shore Junior/Senior School
Departure/Event Date: Date of the event (if one day) or departure date (if multiple day event) - (YYYY-MM-DD)
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Departure/Event Time: Time of the event (if one day) or time of departure (if a multiple day event)
Return Date: Return date if a multiple day event - (YYYY-MM-DD)
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Return Time: Return time if a multiple day event
Permission/Fee Deadline: Deadline set for event registration - (YYYY-MM-DD)
Itinerary: Estimated itinerary for the event
Permission Required: Is a permission form required for this event
Total Cost: Total cost of the event
Cost Breakdown: An itemized breakdown of the estimated cost for the event
Down Payment Required: Down payment required for the event
Down Payment Deadline: Date that the down payment is due - (YYYY-MM-DD)
Event Type: Type of scouting event
Event Leader: The troop leader in charge of the event
Wayne Devoid
What to Bring: Description or list of items a scout must bring for this event
Class A Uniform, marketing materials, handbook
Mode of Transportation: Mode of transportation to/from the event
Meet at Event
Emergency Contact: Adult that will serve as the emergency contact for the trip
Michelle Devoid
Other Form(s): Link to any additional documentation that is required for this event
Additional Links: Any additional links that may be useful for parents or scouts
Event Notes: Notes or comments about the event that may be useful for parents or scouts