Equipment Lists

One of the main questions we get asked before any camping trip is "what does my scout need to pack?" The answer depends on what type of activity he/she is packing for. If it's a standard camping trip, use the individual packing list for camping (link provided above). If we will be backpacking, use the individual packing list for backpacking (link provided above). Check with the event leader to see if swimming gear will be needed.

It is good practice to "make due" with what you have on hand for equipment before going out and purchasing anything. Many times, leaders and other scouts will have equipment your scout can borrow before making any major equipment purchase. After a few campouts, your scout will know the preferred type of tent, sleeping bag, hiking boots, etc. to look for.

Readthis camping gear primerfor a great overview of equipment, what to pack, and how to keep equipment dry during a campout.

Camping with COVID

Fot the safety of our scouts and leaders, the troop has prepared a set of guidelines designed to minimize COVID transmission during weekend camping events. The linked temperature log can be used to record participant's temperatures during troop activities.

Monthly Camping Event Logistics

Our troop camps A LOT! We typically plan at least one camping or backpacking event per month. To streamline the logistics, make planning easier, and ensure we execute our trips with the least amount of issues, our events typically follow this pattern:

Several Months Prior

- The scouts select what event they want to do at our yearly troop planning meeting

- Leaders will contact the event location for pricing, make reservations, schedule the event, and send event info to the troop webmaster to include on our troop website

Two Weeks Prior

- Scouts sign up on at least two weeks prior to the event so leaders can coordinate drivers and last minute reservation changes

One Week Prior

- On the Monday before the event, scouts who are going on the trip plan menus, assign a person to purchase food, create duty rosters, and select tenting partners

One to Two Days Prior

- The scout who volunteered to purchase food will buy the food a couple days before the event

- Scouts will use the official packing list and pack their personal gear a couple days before the event

Day of Departure

- All scouts and leaders will meet at the scout locker (unless otherwise specified) at the apointed time in their Class A uniforms

- Scouts will pack the trailer with troop gear, get water and ice from the church hall, and load personal gear into the trailer

- The Senior Patrol Leader will take roll call and make sure all scouts and leaders are properly registered for the event

- Driving assignments and safety messeges will be provided to all participants

During the Event

- The scouts will have a great time at the event!

Day of Return

- When the group is ready to return, parents will be contacted with the approximate estimated time of arrival back at the scout locker

- Scouts will unload the trailer when they return to the scout locker and make sure all equipment is clean, dry, and put away properly

- Once all troop equipment is properly stowed and personal equipment is collected, the Senior Patrol Leader will release all scouts

Following Week

- The event leader will collect all receipts for purchases during the trip and work with the troop treasurer to get everybody reimbursed for purchases

- The event leader will prepare a final trip report that documents details of the trip that can be used in the future to plan similar trips


In the event that a scout, leader, or parent must cancel for any reason, reimbursement will follow the guidelines outlined in Section 7.3.j of theTroop Policies and Procedures Document.

Summer Camp

Summer camps provide a great opportunity for scouts to meet people, earn merit badges, and have a great experience during summer break. The troop will typically provide an in-state summer camp option (Camp La-No-Che) and an out-of-state summer camp option (Daniel Boone, Raven Knob, or Summit Bechtel). In-state summer camp is great for new scouts or scouts that prefer to stay close to home. Out-of-state summer camps allow scouts to get a break from Florida's summer heat and humidity. Troop policy states that a parent must acompany first year scouts who want to attend out-of-state summer camps.

Sign-up for summer camps typically start between January and March. Trip details including dates, cost, itineraries, and merit badge selections are posted on the troop website for each summer camp option. You can always contact the trip leader for more information as well.

Winter Camp

Winter camp at Camp La-No-Che is a great way for scouts to earn a few merit badges over winter break. The troop typically reserves the winter camp session between Christmas and New Years Day. Winter camp is shorter than summer camp and typically runs from Sunday to Wednesday.

Sign-up for winter camp typically starts in November. Trip details including dates, cost, itinerary, and merit badge selections are posted on the troop website.

High Adventure Camping

For older scouts, the troop provides the opportunity to go on high adventure trips to one of the four National BSA high adventure camps. Some camps are so popular that the troop has to enter a lottery system to secure reservations. The scouts will typically select which high adventure trips they want to take at least two years in advance. In addition to the four National BSA camps, the troop has planned high adventure trips to other parts of the country. Where the high adventure trip takes the troop is up to the scouts.

Sign-up for high adventure camping starts at least a year prior to the trip. Trip details including dates, cost, itinerary, and activity selections are discussed with the scouts and leaders attending. Details are posted on the troop website.